Cookies are used for a wide range of things including product recommendations, remembering personal profile settings and preloading forms with previously–entered information. These are all good uses that enhance the experience of a visit to a site. However, some users may feel they are an invasion of privacy. The new law aims to give the user choice.
There has been some debate on whether this legislation is enforceable, but it is probably best to be safe rather than sorry.
The issue boils down to this: to be compliant a website must give the user guidance on how cookies are used and how to control their cookie settings.
Becoming compliant isn’t onerous and can be managed in three steps:
1. Carry out an audit to identify the cookies used on your site.
2. Write a compliant cookie policy highlighting what information is stored on the user’s device.
3. Add a prominent overlay and
‘opt–out’ mechanism informing the user of cookie policy and making them aware of what cookies are used should they proceed.
Need help with cookies? Then do get in touch.